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vim surrround ideavim - Surrounding visually selected text adds class attribute to end tag

I am using IdeaVim on pycharm with Vim surround plugin. The issue i am having is that when i try to surround a visually selected text inside html tag that has class as well, it adds the class attribute to the end tag as well. Here is the example code


So I want to wrap this line inside a div tag so I select the line visually and then hit `S and the result i see is as below

<div class="container"><p>Hello</p>
</div class="container">

This does not happen with normal vim surround plugin installed on my vim and here is the output from normal vim.

<div class="container">
<p>Hello txt</p>

So is it issue with Ideavim emulated plugin or am i missing something here ?


  • It's a bug in the vim-surround emulation in IdeaVim. Feel free to report it to the bug tracker.

    You might also be interested in other issues related to the vim-surround emulation. See this query in the bug tracker.