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How do I show more digits of haskell's pi?

I'd like to take more digits of the Prelude pi value.

Prelude> take 4 $ show pi


Prelude> take 17 $ show pi

Prelude> take 170 $ show pi

Is the pi constant just stored this truncated? Is there an option in show to print to string more digits?


  • pi is a method of the Floating class:

    class Fractional a => Floating a where
      pi :: a

    So pi is polymorphic, and it is up to the implementor of the instance to define it appropriately.

    The most common instances are Float and Double which have limited precision:

    Prelude> pi :: Float
    Prelude> pi :: Double

    but nothing is stopping you from using other packages, like long-double which gives a few more bits on some systems:

    Numeric.LongDouble> pi :: LongDouble 

    Or rounded which gives arbitrarily many bits of precision via the MPFR software implementation:

    Numeric.Rounded> pi :: Rounded TowardNearest 100
    Numeric.Rounded> pi :: Rounded TowardNearest 500

    The numbers package provides a pure-Haskell implementation of constructive (exact) real numbers, which can be shown to as many digits as desired:

    Data.Number.CReal> showCReal 100 pi

    You can also have lower precision with the half package, maybe interoperable with GPU:

    Numeric.Half> pi :: Half

    When you evaluate pi without giving a specific type, the interpreter's defaulting rules come into play.

    Each defaultable variable is replaced by the first type in the default list that is an instance of all the ambiguous variable’s classes. ... If no default declaration is given in a module then it assumed to be: default (Integer, Double) --

    Prelude> :t pi
    pi :: Floating a => a

    Integer is not Floating, but Double is, so the ambiguous type gets resolved by defaulting to Double. You can get more information by enabling -Wtype-defaults:

    Prelude> :set -Wtype-defaults 
    Prelude> pi
    <interactive>:2:1: warning: [-Wtype-defaults]
        • Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘Double’
            (Show a0) arising from a use of ‘print’ at <interactive>:2:1-2
            (Floating a0) arising from a use of ‘it’ at <interactive>:2:1-2
        • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

    (Note: I wrote the long-double package and am the current maintainer of rounded.)