I was using Visual Studio for a long time, but it was becoming too complicated to maintain. Now I tried to move to VS Code, but it throws a number of PyLint error messages that don't make sense to me (and the program still works as expected). These errors happen primarily with Python code generated from a GoogleProtoBuf structure.
For example:
from lbsnstructure.lbsnstructure_pb2 import lbsnPost
def geoaccuracy_within_threshold(post_geoaccuracy, min_geoaccuracy):
"""Checks if geoaccuracy is within or below threshhold defined"""
if min_geoaccuracy == lbsnPost.LATLNG:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsnPost.LATLNG]
elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsnPost.PLACE:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsnPost.LATLNG, lbsnPost.PLACE]
elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsnPost.CITY:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsnPost.LATLNG, lbsnPost.PLACE, lbsnPost.CITY]
return True
# check post geoaccuracy
if post_geoaccuracy in allowed_geoaccuracies:
return True
return False
Throws error message E0602 from pyLint:
Undefined variable 'lbsnPost' pylint (E0602)
lbsnPost: GeneratedProtocolMessageType
However, Google explicitly states that this form of type-referencing is correct:
Enums are expanded by the metaclass into a set of symbolic constants with integer values. So, for example, the constant addressbook_pb2.Person.WORK has the value 2.
I get similar errors all over my code (that works fine). I suspect that this is something that I have written in the wrong convention, but somehow still works. But what is the right convention?
This page seems to discuss the same issue, but none of the solutions work:
Undefined variable from import when using protocol buffers in PyDev
that is, even when doing lbsnpost().LATLNG
(instantiating the protobuf message), I get the same undefined variable error.
I solved my problem. Apparently, pylint has (had?) problems with protobuf compiled python classes. There's a package available that solves this issue.
pip install pylint-protobuf
)"python.linting.pylintArgs": ["--load-plugins", "pylint_protobuf"]
to User Settings in VS CodeNo errors!
For more information, see the VS Code linting Docs