Search code examples

Count the number of months per item group

I have a table with ItemID, Qty, and OrderDate

I am only querying results that have an order date of between next month (Current Month + 1) and 11 months after that.

I am trying to write a Query that gets me the SUM of the QTY by ItemID, and the COUNT of months that exists for each ItemID.

I can get so far as getting a result set that looks like this:

ITEMID  Qty    TMonth   TYear
01.0002 392.00    1      2019
01.0002 392.00    2      2019
01.0002 392.00    3      2019
01.0002 784.00    4      2019
01.0002 784.00    5      2019
01.0002 392.00    6      2019
01.0002 784.00    7      2019
01.0002 392.00    8      2019
01.0002 392.00    9      2019

I get this by grouping on ITEMID, MONTH(OrderDate), YEAR(OrderDate) and it shows the total for each month/year. There are a total of 9 months in this example. though, you would see this repeated for each item, and its associated month/year, which if an order exists, could be 1 through 11.

I need a result set that looks like:

ITEMID      Qty        MnthCount
01.0002     4704.00     9
A0-B1002    3300.00     2
ZX-YT12       50.00     7

I figure there has to be some Window Function or something I can use. Is there a way of doing this, or do I need to resort to Sub-Selects or some sort of Outer Apply?


  • Would you like this ?

    ---drop table test 
    create table test 
    (ITEMID varchar(20),
    Qty decimal(10,2),
    TMonth  int, 
    TYear int)
    insert into test values 
    select ITEMID,sum(Qty) as Qty, count(TMonth) as MnthCount
    from test  group by ITEMID
    ITEMID               Qty                                     MnthCount
    -------------------- --------------------------------------- -----------
    01.0002              4704.00                                 9
    A0-B1002             3300.00                                 2
    ZX-YT12              50.00                                   7