I've recently migrated from using Gulp 3 to Gulp 4. Introducing the new tasks like gulp.src()
and gulp.parallel()
adds more flexibility and ease of use.
Here is my code attempting to execute tasks in series.
Asynchronous task which creates files dynamically
let css_purge_libs = async () => { var pacs = ["!bootstrap", "bulma", "animate.css"]; var paths = await fetch_resources(pacs, "bower", "css|sass"); return gulp.src(paths) .pipe(before(true, config.css.destination.temp + "/lib")()) .pipe(P.if(/\.sass$/gm, P.sass().on('error', P.sass.logError))) .pipe(P.purgecss(config.css.purgecss)) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.css.destination.temp + "/lib")); };
wrote above code in order to fetch .css or .sass
files from bower specific packages which there was no mentioned of main
property in bower.json
(don't need an additional plugin like wiredep
). files will be created on the fly in temp
Building, concat and sourcemap generation
let css_build = () => { let paths = [`${config.css.destination.temp}/**/*.css`, `${config.css.destination.dev}**/*.css`]; return gulp.src(paths) .pipe(before(true, config.css.destination.build)()) .pipe(P.postcss(config.css.postcss.plugins)) .pipe(P.if(prod, P.sourcemaps.init())) .pipe(P.if(prod, P.cssnano())) .pipe(P.if(prod, P.concat("ariyana-build.css"))) .pipe(P.if(prod, P.rev())) .pipe(P.if(prod, P.sourcemaps.write("."))) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.css.destination.build)); }
fetched resources and project resources will be sent through a stream for processing.
Gulp task definitions
gulp.task('css:purge-libs', css_purge_libs); gulp.task('css:build', css_build); gulp.task("serve:dev", gulp.series(css_purge_libs, css_build, serve_dev));
Problem Scenario
When i issue gulp serve:dev
, what happens is attached in below logs.
[00:19:19] Using gulpfile D:\Enterprise\test\gulpfile.js
[00:19:19] Starting 'serve:dev'...
[00:19:19] Starting 'css_purge_libs'...
[00:19:21] Finished 'css_purge_libs' after 1.86 s
[00:19:21] Starting 'css_build'...
[00:19:25] bower_components\bulma\bulma.sass
[00:19:25] app\styles\bootstrap-reboot.css
[00:19:25] bower_components\animate.css\animate.css
[00:19:26] app\styles\main.css
[00:19:26] Finished 'css_build' after 4.69 s
[00:19:26] Starting 'serve_dev'...
[00:19:26] Finished 'serve_dev' after 1.57 ms
[00:19:26] Finished 'serve:dev' after 6.57 s
looks like gulp did not picked up the dynamically created files in the .tmp/styles/lib
css resources. I could think a reason what happens because the IO op happens under the hood could be an async ops so gulp does not have a clue whether the op is done
Answer scenario
let sloop = ()=> {
return new Promise(resolve=> {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
when i add a little bit of a tweek which brings a delay and introduced in the task definition
gulp.task('css:purge-libs', css_purge_libs);
gulp.task('css:build', css_build);
gulp.task("serve:dev", gulp.series(css_purge_libs, sloop, css_build, serve_dev));
this came as the output log which i was expected.
[00:28:58] Using gulpfile D:\Enterprise\test\gulpfile.js
[00:28:58] Starting 'serve:dev'...
[00:28:58] Starting 'css_purge_libs'...
[00:29:00] Finished 'css_purge_libs' after 1.8 s
[00:29:00] Starting 'sloop'...
[00:29:00] bower_components\bulma\bulma.sass
[00:29:00] bower_components\animate.css\animate.css
[00:29:02] Finished 'sloop' after 2.18 s
[00:29:02] Starting 'css_build'...
[00:29:08] .tmp\styles\lib\animate.css
[00:29:08] .tmp\styles\lib\bulma.css
[00:29:08] app\styles\bootstrap-reboot.css
[00:29:08] app\styles\main.css
[00:29:08] Finished 'css_build' after 6.43 s
[00:29:08] Starting 'serve_dev'...
[00:29:08] Finished 'serve_dev' after 2.96 ms
[00:29:08] Finished 'serve:dev' after 10 s
introducing a new delay between async ops solved my problem
Unfortunately, this is a known issue in gulp that doesn't have a workaround: https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/issues/1421
What you return from your task tells gulp how to wait: you can return a Stream (gulp waits for it to finish), or a Promise (gulp waits for it to resolve), etc. What you cannot do, as you are trying to do, is return a Promise for a Stream.
The solution, for now, is to manually wait for your gulp stream to end inside your async function, like so:
let myTask = async () => {
let files = await getFilePaths();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return gulp.src(files)
.on('end', resolve)
.on('error', reject);
It's ugly, but there's not currently a better way to do both standard async calls and stream management in a single task.