I'd like to convert an excel spreadsheet to a component of c# code. To get it goin' I like to get all cells of a sheet containing fomulars into c# via interop. In the c# module I'd like to solve the defined fomulars with different values replacing the cell references in the fomular. Is there a framework where I can for example convert a "SUM($C3 : $C5)" from excel to a "var sum = c3 + c4 + c5;" or semilar formulars?
regards gordon
Is this something you'll do repeatedly or just one time?
We're using www.spreadsheetgear.com to manipulate Excel spreadsheets from C# and it works wonderfully. Our needs are different, so you should study the API to see if it gives you access to the text of the forumulas, but I think it might.
No affiliation - just a satisfied customer.