I made a fairly standard deployment of the Single-Node File Server on Google Cloud. It works fine as I can mount the file server's disk from other instances.
However, now I want to add another disk to the same file server. The documentation says I should use the following command to add another file system:
zfs create storagepool_name/file_system_name
I tried to run this command on the VM that is acting as the file server, but I get the error that the command zfs is not found.
Now I can probably install zfs myself, but I wonder whether that will somehow collide with whatever the deployment has already set up on the machine.
Is installing and setting up zfs myself a problem? If so, how do I add another disk to the file server?
I figured out what went wrong with my setup of the Single-Node File Server.
First, the default deployment settings seems to choose xfs as the default file system instead of zfs. The file server I had was using xfs, as can be seen in the metadata of the instance itself.
Secondly, as user John Hanley commented in my question, even with zfs selected as the file system, only the root user has its PATH variable set-up properly to be able to directly use the zfs command.