I created a ggplot function to plot groups of data given below (I am sorry, I do not know how to post the data file)
There are three problems with this graph:
1.The Y-axis title has a superscripted character. Because of this, it cannot be bolded (the same formatting for the x-axis title works)
2.The Legend title is defined as "Group ID". But the code is using the Column Title "GroupID" ignoring the definition. (The code line "scale_fill_discrete("Group ID")" supposed to set the legend title).
3.The width of error bars is not constant, it is changing from point to point (easily noticeable for the green ones)
I appreciate any help to fix these issues.
# Colors
Mycolors<- c("blue", "red", "green", "cyan", "orange", "brown", "magenta", "grey", "black")
# Shapes
# Plot position
Mypd <- position_dodge(width = 0.2)
# Read data
pAllGroupData<-function(mData, xLabel, yLabel, gTitle, sTitle, sCaption, yType, gErrType) {
v <- mData$dMean
x <- mData$DayNum
p <- ggplot(data = mData, mapping = aes(x = x, y = v, color = GroupID, shape = GroupID))
p <- p + geom_line(position = Mypd) +
geom_point(position = Mypd, size = 4)
# Plot errorbars
if (gErrType == "StdErr") {
p<- p + geom_errorbar(aes(x = x, ymin = v - mData$dStdErr, ymax = v + mData$dStdErr), width=1.5, position=Mypd)
} else if (gErrType == "StdDev") {
p<- p + geom_errorbar(aes(x = x, ymin = v - mData$dStdDev, ymax = v + mData$dStdDev), width=1.5, position=Mypd)
} else if (gErrType == "IQR") {
p<- p + geom_errorbar(aes(x = x, ymin = v - mData$dIQR, ymax = v + mData$dIQR), width=1.5, position=Mypd)
# Turn Y axis logarithmic and place log ticks
if (yType == "Log") {
p<- p + ylim (1, vMax) + # This is to avoid log(0)
coord_trans(y = "log10") +
annotation_logticks(sides = "lr", scaled=FALSE) # ticks are only left and right y axes
# Plot the graph with theme
p <- p +
labs(x = xLabel, y = yLabel, title = gTitle, subtitle = sTitle, caption = sCaption) +
# Include origine (0, 0)
expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0) +
# Custom Colors
scale_colour_manual(values = Mycolors) +
# Custom Shapes
scale_shape_manual(values = Myshapes) +
# Legend Title (not working!)
scale_fill_discrete("Group ID")
p <- p + gTheme(p)
# Test
p<-pAllGroupData(mData, xLabel = "Days", yLabel = bquote("Volume "~(mm^3)), gTitle = "Study", sTitle = "X", sCaption = "SCaption", yType = "Lin", gErrType = "StdDev")
GroupID DayNum n dMean dMedian dStdDev dStdErr dIQR
Grp1 13 8 207.03 211.45 13.04 4.61 11.73
Grp1 15 8 288.15 274.40 48.98 17.32 33.25
Grp1 18 8 393.50 381.15 63.63 22.50 52.98
Grp1 21 8 507.63 499.80 73.06 25.83 80.88
Grp1 26 8 636.14 614.65 112.53 39.79 206.53
Grp2 13 8 207.05 205.25 41.00 14.50 72.35
Grp2 15 8 142.76 145.60 27.87 9.85 33.70
Grp2 18 8 77.55 82.55 19.44 6.87 22.88
Grp2 21 8 66.38 69.85 20.56 7.27 23.00
Grp2 26 8 67.05 64.20 29.02 10.26 25.48
Grp2 29 8 66.48 63.85 25.95 9.17 19.38
Grp2 33 8 76.96 74.25 25.31 8.95 28.60
Grp3 13 8 207.94 219.65 34.42 12.17 47.18
Grp3 15 8 149.56 155.25 45.74 16.17 70.68
Grp3 18 8 134.83 128.00 59.10 20.90 66.20
Grp3 21 8 164.99 159.40 67.86 23.99 93.63
Grp3 26 8 149.53 160.05 62.48 22.09 100.58
Grp3 29 8 162.21 184.25 61.21 21.64 113.33
Grp3 33 8 177.19 184.00 68.99 24.39 110.35
Grp3 36 8 192.13 160.25 94.93 33.56 122.30
It is advisable to split your question in several posts when you have several problems. Meanwhile here is my attempt to help you:
Replace yLabel = bquote("Volume "~(mm^3))
with yLabel = bquote(bold("Volume " ~ (mm ^ 3)))
(note the bold
). Kind reminder that this problem was addressed in the past here and also here
You do not use any fill aesthetic, so remove scale_fill_discrete("Group ID")
, which has no effect and for each of your aesthetics that you actually use (color and shape), in scale_colour_manual
and scale_shape_manual
add name = "Group ID"
(the desired title of your legend):
scale_colour_manual(name = "Group ID", values = Mycolors) +
scale_shape_manual(name = "Group ID", values = Myshapes)
This seems to have been reported as an issue by some on GitHub, here (the link includes a solution as well)
Similar questions on SO: ggplot2 position_dodge affects error bar width and Width of error bars in ggplot2, both having some answers that you can explore with.
So, you should scale the width of the error bar to the number of row counts for each DayNum
. So create a new column in your data.frame, say width
like this:
mData <- mData %>%
group_by(DayNum) %>%
mutate(width = 1.5 * n())
Then you will have to map this column into the width
aesthetic of ggplot
while you delete any width
attribute from geom_errorbar
Here is an working example with your data, covering all the 3 problems.
Your data:
mData <- read.table(
text = "
GroupID DayNum n dMean dMedian dStdDev dStdErr dIQR
Grp1 13 8 207.03 211.45 13.04 4.61 11.73
Grp1 15 8 288.15 274.40 48.98 17.32 33.25
Grp1 18 8 393.50 381.15 63.63 22.50 52.98
Grp1 21 8 507.63 499.80 73.06 25.83 80.88
Grp1 26 8 636.14 614.65 112.53 39.79 206.53
Grp2 13 8 207.05 205.25 41.00 14.50 72.35
Grp2 15 8 142.76 145.60 27.87 9.85 33.70
Grp2 18 8 77.55 82.55 19.44 6.87 22.88
Grp2 21 8 66.38 69.85 20.56 7.27 23.00
Grp2 26 8 67.05 64.20 29.02 10.26 25.48
Grp2 29 8 66.48 63.85 25.95 9.17 19.38
Grp2 33 8 76.96 74.25 25.31 8.95 28.60
Grp3 13 8 207.94 219.65 34.42 12.17 47.18
Grp3 15 8 149.56 155.25 45.74 16.17 70.68
Grp3 18 8 134.83 128.00 59.10 20.90 66.20
Grp3 21 8 164.99 159.40 67.86 23.99 93.63
Grp3 26 8 149.53 160.05 62.48 22.09 100.58
Grp3 29 8 162.21 184.25 61.21 21.64 113.33
Grp3 33 8 177.19 184.00 68.99 24.39 110.35
Grp3 36 8 192.13 160.25 94.93 33.56 122.30",
header = TRUE
An working example:
# Solves Problem 3 - create helper column width
mData <- mData %>%
group_by(DayNum) %>%
mutate(width = 1.5 * n())
Mypd <- position_dodge(width = 0.2)
ggplot(data = mData,
mapping = aes(x = DayNum,
y = dMean,
color = GroupID,
shape = GroupID,
width = width)) + # map width column to width aesthetic
geom_line(position = Mypd) +
geom_point(position = Mypd,
size = 2) +
# width is inherited from the above mapping, no need to map it again
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = dMean - mData$dStdDev,
ymax = dMean + mData$dStdDev),
position = Mypd) +
labs(y = bquote(bold("Volume " ~ (mm ^ 3)))) + # Solves Problem 1
# Solves Problem 2:
scale_colour_manual(name = "Group ID", values = c("Grp1" = "blue",
"Grp2" = "red",
"Grp3" = "green")) +
scale_shape_manual(name = "Group ID", values = c("Grp1" = 15,
"Grp2" = 16,
"Grp3" = 17)) +