I have a daemon Python
script in my conda
environment which I run it:
source activate my_env
python my_server.py
I would like to convert it to as systemd
service, so I created my_server.service file:
ExecStart=/home/myuser/.conda/envs/my_env/bin/python /path/to/my_server.py
This does not work because the systemd
is being run as the root user and I can not activate the conda
environment to get the all path right.
What is the correct way to create a systemd
service when the executable requires a specific conda
env to run?
You can run systemd services on user level instead of running on system level, which will run it as root user. Instead of putting the .service file on /etc/systemd/system directory, you have put the file inside ~/.config/systemd/user/ directory and no need of User
and Group
derivative. For example:
ExecStart=/home/myuser/.conda/envs/my_env/bin/python my_server.py
Instead of starting this service with privileged permission, you can start with the running user permission using systemctl --user start/restart/stop servicename
command. No need of sudo privilege or password.