I would programmatically like to create a button as defined in the design guidelines here: https://material.io/design/components/buttons.html#outlined-button, looking like this:
In XML I'm able to do this, using this piece of layout xml:
android:text="@string/title_short_intro" />
What I'm looking for is an example that shows how to do this using Java code? I have tried the following:
MaterialButton testSignIn = new MaterialButton( new ContextThemeWrapper( this, R.style.Widget_MaterialComponents_Button_OutlinedButton));
String buttonText = "Sign-in & empty test account";
testSignIn.setText( buttonText );
But this does not result in the outline variant:
You can use below:
MaterialButton testSignIn = new MaterialButton(context, null, R.attr.borderlessButtonStyle);
String buttonText = "Sign-in & empty test account";