Can you suggest how to apply an induction rule to the following lemma?
datatype 'a expr =
Literal "'a literal_expr"
| Var "string"
and 'a literal_expr =
| CollectionLiteral "'a collection_literal_part_expr list"
and 'a collection_literal_part_expr =
CollectionItem "'a expr"
datatype 'a type = OclVoid | Set "'a type"
inductive typing and collection_parts_typing where
"typing Γ (Literal NullLiteral) OclVoid"
| "collection_parts_typing Γ prts τ ⟹
typing Γ (Literal (CollectionLiteral prts)) (Set τ)"
| "collection_parts_typing Γ [] OclVoid"
| "⟦typing Γ a τ; collection_parts_typing Γ xs σ⟧ ⟹
collection_parts_typing Γ (CollectionItem a # xs) σ"
"typing Γ1 expr τ1 ⟹ typing Γ1 expr σ1 ⟹ τ1 = σ1" and
"collection_parts_typing Γ2 prts τ2 ⟹
collection_parts_typing Γ2 prts σ2 ⟹ τ2 = σ2"
apply (induct expr and prts)
apply (induct rule: typing_collection_parts_typing.inducts)
The following questions contains a very simple examples:
But my example is more complicated. And I can't understand what's wrong with my datatypes, predicates or lemmas. This exact theory can be reformulated without mutual recursion. But it's just a small fragment of my actual theory.
There exists a plausible solution that is similar to the one provided in the accepted answer to your previous question. Please note that I changed some of the names of some of the elements in your definitions and that I relied heavily on sledgehammer
to bring the proof to a conclusion.
datatype 'a expr =
Literal "'a literal_expr"
| Var "string"
and 'a literal_expr =
| CL "'a clpe list"
and 'a clpe = CI "'a expr"
datatype 'a type = OclVoid | Set "'a type"
inductive typing and cpt where
"typing Γ (Literal NL) OclVoid"
| "cpt Γ prts τ ⟹ typing Γ (Literal (CL prts)) (Set τ)"
| "cpt Γ [] OclVoid"
| "⟦typing Γ a τ; cpt Γ xs σ⟧ ⟹ cpt Γ (CI a # xs) σ"
fixes Γ1 Γ2 :: 'a
and expr :: "'b expr"
and prts :: "'b clpe list"
and σ1 τ1 σ2 τ2 :: "'c type"
"typing Γ1 expr τ1 ⟹ typing Γ1 expr σ1 ⟹ τ1 = σ1" and
"cpt Γ2 prts τ2 ⟹ cpt Γ2 prts σ2 ⟹ τ2 = σ2"
induction Γ1 expr τ1 and Γ2 prts τ2
arbitrary: σ1 and σ2
rule: typing_cpt.inducts
subgoal by (blast dest: typing.cases)
by (metis
subgoal by (blast dest: cpt.cases)
subgoal by (metis cpt.cases list.discI list.sel(3))
Isabelle version: Isabelle2020