I'm writting a script that will execute commands on different servers automatically and I am trying to log all it's content and output. I am having difficulties with redirections and command status output. Meaning was the command successfull and what is its output?
I have tried many directions such redirecting the command output to a function or file. I have tried a simple if statement. Both worked for there respected function. But when I am trying to combine both of them the script always return the command to be successfull. And to some level it is.
function Executing(){
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
if [ $DEBUG = "true" ]; then
echo "$1" | Debug i s
if $1 2>&1 | Debug o o;then
echo "$1" | Debug s r
echo "$1" | Debug e r
eval $1
Executing "apt-get update"
Also note that the system requires sudo to execute apt-get update. Thus the script should report & log an error. Right now tho, whenever I call the Executing function, the function returns a successful execution. I am pretty sure it does because of the added pipe | debug o o
that captures the output and formats it. Which I'll later redirect to a log file.
So I tested if apt-get update;then echo yes;else echo no; fi
which worked in my terminal. But as soon as I pipe the output to the function debug, the if statement returns true.
Try with set -o pipefail
Check the manual: The Set Builtin
Usually, bash returns the exit code of the last command of a pipe group, so your Debug
command was the one that was checked. With that setting, bash returns the exit status of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status. If your command fails, that is the status that get propagated.