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I tried updating the php in my laragon but I got this, I tried doing this because I want to update my php to the latest version of php 7.3.

enter image description here

Now I got that error


  • With Laragon, adding another PHP version is very easy. Here's how to add PHP 7.3

    1. Download PHP:

    In this case we download:

    1. Extract the downloaded to: {LARAGON_ROOT}\bin\php\php-7.3.0-Win32-VC15-x64

      -- bin
      ---- php
      -------- php-7.3.0-Win32-VC15-x64
      -------- .............

    1. Select the new version at: Laragon Menu > PHP > Version > php-7.3.0-Win32-VC15-x64

    Very easy huh. That's all!

    Please be noticed about PHP Version (so you can add new extensions properly)
    - x64 means 64-bit
    - x86 means 32-bit
    - nts means Non Thread Safe

    If something's wrong, please check and install correspond VC Redist (VC11, VC14, VC15...)