Hie, I have recently come across virtualization called containers. this is regarding auto-scaling. I have read that when current container is out of resources then it will add a new container to the host. How does adding new container saves in resources?
can any explain the scale of
scenario 1: container running all of the resources (leaving resources for host os)
Scenario 2: the scale of running two containers running in the same host (where the container is using half of the resources consumed in the previous case)
if the scale is more in scenario 2 then can anyone explain how scale has increased by having two containers even through total resources are same?
how scale has increased by having two containers even through total resources are same?
It usually doesn't. If you have a single threaded application, and you have a multi core host, then scaling multiple instances of the container in the same host will give you access to more cores by that application. This could also help with a multi threaded application if it's limited by internal resource contention and not using all of the cores. But for most multi threaded processes, scaling the application up on a single host will not improve performance.
What scaling does help with in an multi node environment is allowing the application to run in other hosts in the cluster that are not fully utilized. This is the horizontal scaling that most target with 12 factor apps. It allows apps deployed to cloud environments to scale out with more replicas/shards by adding more nodes rather than trying to find more resources for a single large node.