cmbMake = new JComboBox();
cmbMake.addItem("**Please Select**");
Iterator i = products.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
Product p = (Product) me.getValue();
cmbMake.addItem("" + p.getMake());
I have a class which holds product details is there anyway to stop the same make being added to the combo box?
You can try this code (I added some code to yours). The code gets the values of makes and stores them in a Set collection, and then populates the combo box.
cmbMake = new JComboBox();
cmbMake.addItem("**Please Select**");
Iterator i = products.entrySet().iterator();
Set<String> uniqueMakes = new HashSet<>(); // this stores unique makes
while (i.hasNext())
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
Product p = (Product) me.getValue();
//if(! p.getMake().equals(cmbMake.getSelectedItem()))
// cmbMake.addItem("" + p.getMake());
System.out.println(uniqueMakes); // this prints the makes
// Add makes to the combo box
for (String make : uniqueMakes) {
Suggestions: You can use type parameters while using some of these, for example:
JComboBox<String> cmbMake = new JComboBox<>();
Iterator<Product> i = products.entrySet().iterator();
EDIT: Here are tutorials on using Set collection and using Generics.
EDIT (another way of coding the same functionality using functional-style programming):
cmbMake = new JComboBox<String>();
cmbMake.addItem("**Please Select**");
.map(product -> product.getMake())
.forEach(make -> cmbMake.addItem(make));