I upgrade a vc++ solution from WTL80 to WTL100 now I get the following error:
error C3861: 'AtlCopyBitmap': identifier not found
WTL100 is from sourceforge
It seams AtlCopyBitmap was moved, renamed or delete. But I do not find any hind what to use instead.
My usage is
inline HBITMAP CloneBitmap( HBITMAP hbmSrc, bool bAsBitmap = false )
CBitmapHandle bmSrc( hbmSrc );
SIZE sizeDst;
if ( bmSrc.GetSize( sizeDst ) )
return AtlCopyBitmap( hbmSrc, sizeDst, bAsBitmap );
return NULL;
I don't think there is a replacement. Seems like the code was cleaned up for WTL10 and this function simply was removed.
You can get the code of AtlCopyBitmap()
from WTL 9.1: atlgdi.h (from line 3762)