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Having graphs in main page of doxygen

I have used the following code to have a graph in main page of doxygen

/*! \mainpage
 digraph example{
 node[shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10];
 b [label="class cell_deinterleaver"  URL= "\ref Cell_deinterleaver" ];
 c [label="class freq_deinterleaver" URL= "\ref freq_deinterleaver" ];
 b -> c [arrowhead= "open", style = "dashed"];

But I get the following message "reached end of file while inside a dot block! The command that should end the block seems to be missing!"

Can anyone help?



  • The solution is like the message says:

    warning: reached end of file while inside a dot block! The command that should end the block seems to be missing!

    it is the mistake that is easily overlooked, written is \endot this should be \enddot (note the double d)