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How can I show my dist folder but not node_modules?

I want to be able to see my dist folder but not node_modules.

In Settings > Directories, the Excluded button is locked so I cannot set the dist folder as unmarked. What can I do to include this folder?

enter image description here


  • Do you use webpack in your project? WebStorm auto-excludes webpack destination folder from indexing for better performance. So, if you have smth. like

    output   : {
        path         : path.join(__dirname, 'dist/')

    In your webpack.config.js, the dist folder will be auto-excluded.

    As a workaround, try setting webpack configuration path value (Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Webpack) to empty string - it should help.

    Un-excluding the folder manually by choosing Mark Directory As > Cancel Exclusion in the Project tool window might also work