We'd like to implement silent push in our project, but facing an odd problem!
First, there's a demo project and works fine in my program environment, but after I apply the same code to my other project, the local notification does not appear after received silent push notification in AppDelegate (something magic) while the app is disconnect with xcode/in background, and there's plan B about calendar, but same as above, therefore, I have no idea to solve, any suggestion?
* xcode 10.1, deployment target iOS 10.0
* objective-c
* reference tutorial: https://medium.com/@mikru168/ios-%E6%9C%AC%E5%9C%B0%E9%80%9A%E7%9F%A5-local-notification-b25229f279ec
-------> works charme. Local notification appears after receive silent push notification.
* xcode 10.1, iOS 9.0
* objective-c mix swift 4.0
-------> works fine while debug(connect with xcode), both of while app in foreground and background.
-------> (disconnect with xcode) local notification does not appear while app in background or terminated, but works fine in foreground.
-------> works fine while debug(connect with xcode), both of while app in foreground and background.
-------> (disconnect with xcode) calendar notification does not appear while app in background or terminated, but works fine in foreground.
I would like to share with someone who's stuck this like me, here's Apple's troubleshooting, and it's really helpful: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2265/_index.html
my finally solution is the trigger time beyond 60s.