How can I keep the context of a conversation in amazon lex, I read on using session attributes but I did not find any samples.
Here is an example of how I want the conversation to go:
Temperature Intent:
Human: What is the temperature in New York?
Bot: The temperature in New York is 3 degrees Celsius
Human: What about the Humidity?
Bot: The Humidity in New York is 61%
How can I make the bot know that I'm talking about New York when I ask for Humidity?
Since you didn't specify which language you're using, I'm gonna respond using C# (which is what I used).
Conversation context is achieved via the use of Session Attributes. In the case of C#, the easiest way to achieve this is by using AWS Lambda functions. Here's the example provided by Amazon itself (using the BookTrip blueprint for Amazon Lex):
// Extract slots from Lex Event
var slots = lexEvent.CurrentIntent.Slots;
// Extract Session Attributes if they exist, otherwise create new Dictionary
var sessionAttributes = lexEvent.SessionAttributes ?? new Dictionary<string, string>();
Reservation lastConfirmedReservation = null;
// if previous Reservation from Session Attributes exists
lastConfirmedReservation = DeserializeReservation(slots[LAST_CONFIRMED_RESERVATION_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE]);
string confirmationContext = sessionAttributes.ContainsKey("confirmationContext") ? sessionAttributes["confirmationContext"] : null;
if (lastConfirmedReservation != null &&
string.Equals(lastConfirmedReservation.ReservationType, "Hotel", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// If there was a previous reservation - auto-populate to match
sessionAttributes["confirmationContext"] = "AutoPopulate";
return ConfirmIntent(
new Dictionary<string, string>
{PICK_UP_CITY_SLOT, lastConfirmedReservation.PickUpCity },
{PICK_UP_DATE_SLOT, lastConfirmedReservation.CheckInDate },
{RETURN_DATE_SLOT, DateTime.Parse(lastConfirmedReservation.CheckInDate).AddDays(int.Parse(lastConfirmedReservation.Nights)).ToUniversalTime().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
{CAR_TYPE_SLOT, null },
new LexResponse.LexMessage
Content = $"Is this car rental for your {lastConfirmedReservation.Nights} night stay in {lastConfirmedReservation.Location} on {lastConfirmedReservation.CheckInDate}?"
The best way to understand how this works is to go through the relevant Blueprint for your language of choice. Hopefully this helped you!
Edit: Additional reading on the Blueprints that are available that may be useful for you. More details on the information flow when using Session Attributes in Lex.