I am trying to send a JSON array inside formdata and also, other form fields with it. This Json array's fields are generated dynamically. However, it is giving me error 500.
This is how i have to send.
This is my formArray.
sabhaArray: this.formBuilder.array([
sabha_id: [''],
sabha_type: [''],
followup_id: ['']
This is my form append request.
fd.append("major_subject", this.registerForm.get("major_subject").value);
fd.append("company_name", this.registerForm.get("company_name").value);
fd.append("profile_picture", this.selectedFile, this.selectedFile.name);
fd.append("sabha_details", JSON.stringify(this.registerForm.get("sabhaArray")));
res => {
err => {
This is my Service which is making post request.
addYuvak(fd:FormData): Observable<Yuvak> {
const addYuvakURL = this.rooturl + 'createcontact';
var headers = new HttpHeaders();
// headers.append('Content-Type',);
//let body = JSON.stringify(yuvak);
// let fd = new FormData();
return this.http.post<Yuvak>(addYuvakURL, fd).pipe(
tap((yuvak: Yuvak) => console.log(`added yuvak w/ id=${yuvak.id}`)),
you are using sabhaArray directly. You need to get value of the array.
try this:
`fd.append("sabha_details", JSON.stringify(this.registerForm.get("sabhaArray").value));`