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How to query a xml file using xpath (php) ?

I am trying to query an XML file using XPath. But as return I get nothing. I think I formatted the query false.


<subject id="Tom">
   <relation unit="ITSupport" role="ITSupporter" />


$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
            $role = 'ITSupporter';
           $elements = $xpath-> query("//subject/@id[../relation/@role='".$role."']");              
           foreach ($elements as $element) {    
              $name = $element -> nodeValue;
              $arr[$i] = $name;
              $i = $i + 1;

How can I get the id TOM? I want to save it to for example $var


  • Building up the Xpath expression:

    • Fetch any subject element
    • ... with a child element relation
    • ... that has a role attribute with the given text
    • ... and get the @id attribute of subject

    Additionally the source could be cleaned up. PHP arrays can use the $array[] syntax to push new elements into them.

    Put together:

    $xml = <<<'XML'
    <subject id="Tom">
      <relation unit="ITSupport" role="ITSupporter" />
    $role = 'ITSupporter';
    $document = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
    $ids = [];
    foreach ($xpath->evaluate("//subject[relation/@role='".$role."']/@id") as $idAttribute) {
      $ids[] = $idAttribute->value;


    array(1) { 
      string(3) "Tom" 

    If you expect only a single result you can cast the it in Xpath:

    $id = $xpath->evaluate(


    string(3) "Tom"

    XML Namespaces

    Looking at the example posted in the comment your XML uses the namespace without a prefix. The XML parser will resolve it so you can read the nodes as {}subject. Here are 3 examples that all resolve to this:

    • <subject xmlns=""/>
    • <cpee:subject xmlns:cpee=""/>
    • <c:subject xmlns:c=""/>

    The same has to happen for the Xpath expression. However Xpath does not have a default namespace. You need to register an use an prefix of your choosing. This allows the Xpath engine to resolve something like //org:subject to //{}subject.

    The PHP does not need to change much:

    $xml = <<<'XML'
    <subject id="Tom" xmlns="">
      <relation unit="ITSupport" role="ITSupporter" />
    $role = 'ITSupporter';
    $document = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
    // register a prefix for the namespace
    $xpath->registerNamespace('org', '');
    $ids = [];
    // address the elements using the registered prefix
    $idAttributes = $xpath->evaluate("//org:subject[org:relation/@role='".$role."']/@id");
    foreach ($idAttributes as $idAttribute) {
      $ids[] = $idAttribute->value;