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Check if a file contains a multi-line string in bash


I am writing a function to append to a file in my $HOME directory called .bash.local.

➡️ .bash.local is sourced via .bash_profile.

However, I want to conditionally append to .bash.local if and only if the file does not already contain the contents of $BASH_CONFIGS.

Things to Keep in Mind

My operating system of choice is MacOS Mojave, thus certain versions of command line applications will be different (e.g. grep on a Mac is BSD grep and not GNU grep).

⚠️ append_to_bash_local()

append_to_bash_local() {
    local LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME"/.bash.local

    declare -r BASH_CONFIGS="
# Add tool configurations here

    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    # If needed, add the necessary configs in the
    # local shell configuration file.

    if ! grep "^$BASH_CONFIGS" < "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE" &> /dev/null; then
        # this block never runs, even if the contents of $BASH_CONFIG
        # are NOT present in $HOME/.bash.local



  • With a little help from @kamil-cuk, I was able to create a more improved version of append_to_bash_local().

    ⚠️ Please note that because I am on MacOS Mojave & have both BSD-grep & BSD-sed installed by default & neither GNU-grep nor GNU-sed installed, I was forced to find a different solution for truncating new-line characters with the ASCII NUL character. Thankfully, @kamil-cuk had a hacky solution using tr.

    Below is the improved version of append_to_bash_local().

    ⚠️ append_to_bash_local()

    1. First, check if the file does not exist with [ ! -e "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE" ].
    2. Second, use -q with grep to make it silent.
      • ➡️ Make sure to put a ! (not) in the front of grep -q to make sure the status of the output is inverted since we are checking if the file does not contain the contents of $BASH_CONFIGS.
    3. Lastly, use "$(<<<"$BASH_CONFIGS" tr '\n' '\01')" < <(less "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE" | tr '\n' '\01') in order to truncate new-line characters with the ASCII NUL character in both $BASH_CONFIGS & $LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE.

      append_to_bash_local() {
          local LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME"/.bash.local
          declare -r BASH_CONFIGS="
          # Add tool configurations here
          # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          # If needed, add the necessary configs in the
          # local shell configuration file.
          if [ ! -e "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE" ] || ! grep -q "$(<<<"$BASH_CONFIGS" tr '\n' '\01')" < <(less "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE" | tr '\n' '\01'); then
              printf '%s\n' "$BASH_CONFIGS" >> "$LOCAL_BASH_CONFIG_FILE"