I want to be able to add an image to a string with some text. There was an example video on headerViews and he included the data that had the images embedded in the string.
I am not sure how he did it.
Here is the data
Section(genre: "💥 Superhero",
movies: ["Guardians of the Galaxy", "The Flash", "The Avengers", "The Dark Knight"],
expanded: false,
subtitle: "Please select a movie"),
Section(genre: "👻 Horror",
movies: ["The Walking Dead", "Insidious", "Conjuring"],
expanded: false,
subtitle: "Please select a movie")
is a simple data structure:
struct Section {
let genre: String!
let movies: [String]!
let expanded: Bool!
let subtitle: String!
init(genre: String, movies: [String], expanded: Bool, subtitle: String){
self.genre = genre
self.movies = movies
self.expanded = expanded
self.subtitle = subtitle
I tried using #imageLiteral(resourceName) with some text afterwards like
" #imageLiteral(resourceName: "pos") + "a title" "
which is not syntactically correct.
How do I add an image before some text in a string?
Those are not image literals; they are ordinary characters (if you regard emoji as ordinary). Swift strings are unicode strings, so you are allowed to type an emoji character directly into a string literal.