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Custom Exception thrown in Java should be shown in Thymeleaf

I want to show my custom exception that is being thrown in Java code in Thymeleaf.

public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String benutzername) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
    Benutzer benutzer = userRepository.findByBenutzername(benutzername);
    if (benutzer == null || ! benutzer.isActive()) {
        throw new UsernameNotFoundException("Wrong username or password was provided!");

<div th:if="${param.error}" >
    <div class="alert alert-danger">
        Here should my custom exception appear from above.

I throw a new UsernameNotFoundException with a custom exception and this exception should be shown in my template, however, I do not know how this should be done.


  • Define the property in to enable the stacktrace to be included as expression attribute in Thymeleaf view.


    and then create an error page named error.html like below.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns=""
    table td{
    border:solid 1px #888;
    <h1>My Thymeleaf Error Page</h1>
            <td th:text="${timestamp}"/>
            <td th:text="${path}"/>
            <td th:text="${error}"/>
            <td th:text="${status}"/>
            <td th:text="${message}"/>
            <td th:text="${exception}"/>
                <pre th:text="${trace}"/>

    Refer this for full example.