Trying my first Flutter plugin, I try to invoke a method in both, the iOS and the Android-world. I successfully was able to invoke such a method without any parameters.
But now I would like to invoke a method that has parameters.
For iOS, I can't get it to work for some reason. (maybe it is just an autocomplete thing that I keep overseeing since VSCode is not autocompleting my Swift code). But maybe it is something else. Please any help on this.
Here is my code:
My lib (Flutter-world) looks like this:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
class SomeName {
static const MethodChannel _channel =
const MethodChannel('myTestMethod');
static Future<String> get sendParamsTest async {
final String version = await _channel.invokeMethod('sendParams',<String, dynamic>{
'someInfo1': "test123",
'someInfo2': "hello",
return version;
My swift plugin (iOS-world) looks like this:
import Flutter
import UIKit
public class SwiftSomeNamePlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
public static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
let channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "myTestMethod", binaryMessenger: registrar.messenger())
let instance = SwiftSomeNamePlugin()
registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(instance, channel: channel)
public func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
// flutter cmds dispatched on iOS device :
if call.method == "sendParams" {
guard let args = call.arguments else {
result("iOS could not recognize flutter arguments in method: (sendParams)")
String someInfo1 = args["someInfo1"]
String someInfo2 = args["someInfo2"]
result("Params received on iOS = \(someInfo1), \(someInfo2)")
} else {
result("Flutter method not implemented on iOS")
The error messages say:
note: add arguments after the type to construct a value of the type
String someInfo1 = args["someInfo1"]
note: add arguments after the type to construct a value of the type
String someInfo2 = args["someInfo2"]
note: use '.self' to reference the type object
String someInfo1 = args["someInfo1"]
note: use '.self' to reference the type object
String someInfo2 = args["someInfo2"]
warning: expression of type 'String.Type' is unused
String someInfo1 = args["someInfo1"]
warning: expression of type 'String.Type' is unused
String someInfo2 = args["someInfo2"]
This looks like a swift syntax error.
You want to do let someInfo1 : String = args[“someInfo1”]