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gmaps4rails not rendering in specified div id

I am using Gmaps4Rails (Google Maps for Rails) in Active Admin. Everything well so far except for when I had to add multiple maps on the same show page.

gem 'gmaps4rails', '~> 2.1', '>= 2.1.2'

I extracted the importing of scripts to an html that I call only one time in the show view so I don't get an error:


<script src="//<%= ENV['GOOGLE_KEY'] %>"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'></script>

Then in the show I do:

div id: 'map' do
  render '/admin/map_include_scripts'
  markers =
  render '/admin/map_scripts', markers: markers, map_div_id: 'map'

And in views/admin/_map_scripts.html.erb I have:

  handler ='Google');
  handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: { id: '<%= map_div_id %>' }}, function(){
    markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw markers.to_json %>);

So far it works GREAT! I see the maps, the markers, everything.

Now I want to add a second div with a second map so first I tried changing the first div to the following to verify that I could tell Gmaps in what div to display it:

div id: 'map2' do
  render '/admin/map_include_scripts'
  markers =
  render '/admin/map_scripts', markers: markers, map_div_id: 'map2'

But then the map does not render! No errors on console. If I do send an invalid id (div id that does not exist) I do get an error.

Does anyone know what's happening?


  • Could you specify what do you mean by 'the map does not render'? It's not visible on the page or the DOM? Have you checked the source code/DOM in developer tools? If you don't get the error maybe it renders but just isn't displayed correctly, e.g. it has width/height set to 0?