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Why does the data object has a data.username field

I am trying to learn how to make a chat App using ,ejs ,nodejs ...

So I am basically studying a code from the following repo:

The folder structure is like
simpleChatApp (the parent folder)
-views(contains index.ejs)
-public (contains style.css and chat.js ) -app.js (the file which has the server code )

app.js has app.use(express.static('public'))so public works as root

Now the problem is in chat.js ( which contains the client-side backend)
below picture is a part of chat.js

enter image description here{
        socket.emit('new_message', {message : message.val()})

    //Listen on new_message
    socket.on("new_message", (data) => {
        chatroom.append("<p class='message'>" + data.username + ": " + data.message + "</p>")

In the emit part we only sent a message field .....whereas in the socket.on part we used data.username() ...Now from what I think data is basically the object we sent in emit ....which didn't contain any username how can it use it ..cause its a working repo so the code is correct ..but I can't understand why


  • The message received by client's socket.on is emitted by nodejs's emit (and not client's one as in you code). This is node js's code, where username is appended:

    socket.on('new_message', (data) => {
      //broadcast the new message
      io.sockets.emit('new_message', {message : data.message, username : socket.username});

    In general in your example multiple clients are listening to the server message and server is listening to each client's emit. Username is stored by the server on each new socket object. Initial value on connect is 'Anonymous' and is updated on change_username event:

    socket.on('change_username', (data) => {
        socket.username = data.username

    First send_mesasage emit in chat.js is received by app.js and is immediately emitted to all connected clients (including the sender). Server adds a user name to this emit (which was stored in socket object by server).

    Then, each client receives this emit (which already has a username). All connected clients then print received message and username