I am trying to validate date in vuelidate. I want to select today's date or a date in the past. But it's not working. Here is my minimal code:
import { required, maxValue } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'
validations: {
operationalsince: { required, maxValue: maxValue(new Date()) }
computed: {
operationalsinceErrors () {
!this.$v.operationalsince.maxValue && errors.push('Date is invalid')
I also tried v-date-picker attributes:
:max-date="new Date()" :disabled-dates="{ start: new Date(), end: null }"
But I am not achieving what I want to achieve. Thanks for any suggestions.
As far as I can tell the v-date-picker
does not support validation error messages, however you can limit the selection with the max
, min
, or the allowed-dates
The max
and min
are taking the date in the ISO format (e.g. max="2018-03-20"), so you need to use:
:max="new Date().toISOString()"
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