I use SQL Server 2014 Developer. Assume I have this scenario where I filter payment date of an Invoice
select *
from Invoices
where PaymentDate > '1/2/2012'
In the Invoice
table, PaymentDate
is in the format of 2012-01-08 00:00:00 ( YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS )
But RHS operand of the where is 1/2/2012
So, how does SQL know if this in the format of M/D/YYYY
Datetimes don't have a format (other than binary): they are (hopefully) being stored as datetime
and not strings. Don't confuse presentation with representation.
When you have a string literal, '1/2/2012'
, SQL Server interprets via your locale.
Best practice to always use (and export) dates in the ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd
See ISO 8601
What date/time literal formats are LANGUAGE and DATEFORMAT safe?