Utilizing the YouTube Data API we can make a query to to obtain the first 50 (maximum amount of results obtainable with a single query) videos belonging to a user with the following request: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key={access_key}&channelId={users_id}&part=id&order=date&maxResults=50&type=video
If there are more than 50 videos, then the resulting JSON will have a nextPageToken
field, to obtain the next 50 videos we can append &pageToken={nextPageToken}
to the above request, producing the next page of 50 videos. This is repeatable until the nextPageToken
field is no longer present.
Here is a simple JavaScript function I wrote using the fetch API to obtain a single page of videos, specified by the nextPageToken
parameter (or lack thereof).
function getUploadedVideosPage(nextPageToken) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let apiUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key={access_key}&channelId={users_id}&part=id&order=date&maxResults=50&type=video';
apiUrl += '&pageToken=' + nextPageToken;
.then((response) => {
.then((data) => {
Now we need a wrapper function that will iteratively call getUploadedVideosPage
for as long as we have a nextPageToken
. Here is my 'working' albeit dangerous (more on this later) implementation.
function getAllUploadedVideos() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let dataJoined = [];
let chain = getUploadedVideosPage();
for(let i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) {
chain = chain
.then((data) => {
if(data.nextPageToken !== undefined)
return getUploadedVideosPage(data.nextPageToken);
The 'dangerous' aspect is the condition of the for loop, theoretically it should be infinite for(;;)
since we have no predefined way of knowing exactly how many iterations to make, and the only way to terminate the loop should be with the resolve
statement. Yet when I implement it this way it truly is infinite and never terminates.
Hence why I hard coded 20,000 iterations, and it seems to work but I don't trust the reliability of this solution. I was hopping somebody here can shed some light on how to go about implementing this iterative Promise chain that has no predefined terminating condition.
You can do this all with one function that calls itself if applicable.
You are also using an explicit promise construction anti-pattern wrapping fetch()
in new Promise
since fetch()
already returns a promise
function getVideos(nextPageToken, results = []) {
let apiUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key={access_key}&channelId={users_id}&part=id&order=date&maxResults=50&type=video';
if (nextPageToken) {
apiUrl += '&pageToken=' + nextPageToken;
// return fetch() promise
return fetch(apiUrl)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// merge new data into final results array
results = results.concat(data);
if (data.nextPageToken !== undefined) {
// return another request promise
return getVideos(data.nextPageToken, results);
} else {
// all done so return the final results
return results
// usage
getVideos().then(results=>{/*do something with all results*/})
.catch(err=>console.log('One of the requests failed'));