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Is their an R function that loops through the rows of a data frame and returns the highest 3 column values for each row

I would like to go through every row of the dataframe and figure out which three column names have the top three maximum values for that row.

I do have code that does it with a for loop, but it is too slow. Does anyone have a faster way to do the same thing that this for loop does?

for(x in 1:dfLength){
   decreasing=order(vector, decreasing = TRUE)


  • It's much easier if you convert the numeric columns to a matrix first. If you have a frame named myframe, then you might start with:

    m <- as.matrix(myframe[numeric_columns])
    cn <- colnames(myframe[numeric_columns])

    where numeric_columns is a vector of integers (my assumption here) or column names.

    Since I don't have your data, I'll make my own:

    m <- matrix(sample(100), nr=10, nc=10)
    cn <- paste0("Z", 1:10)
    colnames(m) <- cn
    #       Z1  Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10
    #  [1,] 19  50 53  1 88 72 79  9  8  29
    #  [2,] 70  22 31 74 63 95 47 45 21  11
    #  [3,] 57  67 66 56 81 33 24  2 49  69
    #  [4,] 17  16 12 59 61 64 98  5 38  23
    #  [5,] 91  35 27 34 80 94 40 52  4  36
    #  [6,] 90  73 82 41 92 75 87 54 25  60
    #  [7,] 13  83 77 55 68 86 14 32 93  28
    #  [8,] 78 100 76 18 84 43 39 20 96  15
    #  [9,] 44  37 99 42 85 26 58 65 89   6
    # [10,] 51   7 10 71 62 30  3 46 48  97

    By itself, this code snippet returns the top 3 columns for each row, numerically:

    t(apply(m, 1, function(a) order(-a)[1:3]))
    #       [,1] [,2] [,3]
    #  [1,]    5    7    6
    #  [2,]    6    4    1
    #  [3,]    5   10    2
    #  [4,]    7    6    5
    #  [5,]    6    1    5
    #  [6,]    5    1    7
    #  [7,]    9    6    2
    #  [8,]    2    9    5
    #  [9,]    3    9    5
    # [10,]   10    4    5

    We can convert them to a matrix of names with:

    top3 <- t(apply(m, 1, function(a) order(-a)[1:3]))
    top3[] <- cn[top3]
    #       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]
    #  [1,] "Z5"  "Z7"  "Z6"
    #  [2,] "Z6"  "Z4"  "Z1"
    #  [3,] "Z5"  "Z10" "Z2"
    #  [4,] "Z7"  "Z6"  "Z5"
    #  [5,] "Z6"  "Z1"  "Z5"
    #  [6,] "Z5"  "Z1"  "Z7"
    #  [7,] "Z9"  "Z6"  "Z2"
    #  [8,] "Z2"  "Z9"  "Z5"
    #  [9,] "Z3"  "Z9"  "Z5"
    # [10,] "Z10" "Z4"  "Z5"

    Editorial note: if you truly have comparable data in many columns, then it makes sense for many R packages to have this in a "long" format, where you have one column with names and one column with values. Extending the above data, I'll add an "id" column (since it's likely your data has a key field):

    myframe <- + 1:10, m))
    #    id Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 Z10
    # 1 101 19 50 53  1 88 72 79  9  8  29
    # 2 102 70 22 31 74 63 95 47 45 21  11
    # 3 103 57 67 66 56 81 33 24  2 49  69
    # 4 104 17 16 12 59 61 64 98  5 38  23
    # 5 105 91 35 27 34 80 94 40 52  4  36
    # 6 106 90 73 82 41 92 75 87 54 25  60

    Converting to "long" format (using tidyverse packages here):

    head(tidyr::gather(myframe, Znum, Zval, -id))
    #    id Znum Zval
    # 1 101   Z1   19
    # 2 102   Z1   70
    # 3 103   Z1   57
    # 4 104   Z1   17
    # 5 105   Z1   91
    # 6 106   Z1   90
    tail(tidyr::gather(myframe, Znum, Zval, -id))
    #      id Znum Zval
    # 95  105  Z10   36
    # 96  106  Z10   60
    # 97  107  Z10   28
    # 98  108  Z10   15
    # 99  109  Z10    6
    # 100 110  Z10   97

    This suggests a clean dplyr pipe for getting the top three per id:

    myframe %>%
      tidyr::gather(Znum, Zval, -id) %>%
      arrange(-Zval) %>%
      group_by(id) %>%
      slice(1:3) %>%
    # # A tibble: 30 x 3
    #       id Znum   Zval
    #    <int> <chr> <int>
    #  1   101 Z5       88
    #  2   101 Z7       79
    #  3   101 Z6       72
    #  4   102 Z6       95
    #  5   102 Z4       74
    #  6   102 Z1       70
    #  7   103 Z5       81
    #  8   103 Z10      69
    #  9   103 Z2       67
    # 10   104 Z7       98
    # # ... with 20 more rows

    It's a different way of looking at the problem, certainly, but depending on your other work, it might provide some simplification and payoff elsewhere.