The best way to illustrate my question is with this example (that doesn't work if I use the strstr
CRT function):
const wchar_t* s1 = L"Hauptstraße ist die längste";
const wchar_t* s2 = L"Hauptstrasse";
bool b_s1_starts_with_s2 = !!wcsstr(s1, s2);
_ASSERT(b_s1_starts_with_s2); //Should be true
So far the only WinAPI that seems to recognize linguistic string equivalency is CompareStringEx
when used with the LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE
flag, but it is somewhat tricky & inefficient to use for this purpose as I will have to call it on s2
repeatedly until I reach its end.
So I was wondering if there's a better approach to doing this (under Windows)?
EDIT: Here's what I mean:
bool b_s1_starts_with_s2 = false;
int ln1 = (int)wcslen(s1);
int ln2 = (int)wcslen(s2);
for(int p = 1; p <= ln1; p++)
s1, p,
s2, ln2) == CSTR_EQUAL)
b_s1_starts_with_s2 = true;
You can use FindNLSString
, check if the return value is zero.
Evidently it matches ß
with ss
const wchar_t *s1 = L"Hauptstraße ist die längste";
const wchar_t *s2 = L"Hauptstrasse";
INT found = 0;
int start = FindNLSString(0, LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE, s1, -1, s2, -1, &found);
wprintf(L"start = %d\n", start);
s1 = L"δεθ Testing Greek";
s2 = L"ΔΕΘ";
start = FindNLSString(0, LINGUISTIC_IGNORECASE, s1, -1, s2, -1, &found);
wprintf(L"start = %d\n", start);