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geojson layer does not display when I load through d3.json

The geojson layer does not display when I load the geojson through d3.json as a data object. However, if I reference the geojson as a URL, then it displays properly.

I am using 6.3.2, mapbox-gl: v0.52.0. I am using vanilla javascript. When I run this code, it does not display. I checked the 'geomdata'. It is fine.

d3.json("roads.json", function(geomdata) { 
    deckgl = new deck.DeckGL({
      map: mapboxgl,
      mapStyle: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9",
      longitude: -98.58,
      latitude: 39.82,
      zoom: 4,
      layers: [
        new deck.GeoJsonLayer({
          stroked: true,
          filled: true,
          lineWidthMinPixels: 2,
          opacity: 0.4,
          getLineColor: [255, 100, 100],
          getFillColor: [200, 160, 0, 180]

However, when I run this where the geojson is a URL, it displays just fine.

d3.json("roads.json", function(geomdata) {      

    deckgl = new deck.DeckGL({
      map: mapboxgl,
      mapStyle: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9",
      longitude: -98.58,
      latitude: 39.82,
      zoom: 4,
      layers: [
        new deck.GeoJsonLayer({
          data: US_MAP_GEOJSON ,
          stroked: true,
          filled: true,
          lineWidthMinPixels: 2,
          opacity: 0.4,
          getLineColor: [255, 100, 100],
          getFillColor: [200, 160, 0, 180]

Any hints/ideas? Thanks


  • It looks like you have to pass an object into your GeoJsonLayer. But your first field is not key: value combo, it is just a value. Try setting your data like this data: geomdata.

        new deck.GeoJsonLayer({
          data: geomdata,
          stroked: true,
          filled: true,
          lineWidthMinPixels: 2,
          opacity: 0.4,
          getLineColor: [255, 100, 100],
          getFillColor: [200, 160, 0, 180]