I've been trying to redirect to a child route with the first sectionId if is empty.
For instance: navigating to /docs needs to redirect /docs/first-steps
path: '',
component: DocumentationPage,
resolve: { data: DocumentationResolver },
children: [{ path: ':id', component: DocumentationDetailComponent }]
DocumentationResolver has all the data required for the page (sections).
export class DocumentationResolver implements Resolve<Documentation[]> {
private documentationService: DocumentationService,
private glossaryService: GlossaryService,
private router: Router
) {}
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any[]> {
return forkJoin(
tap(([documentations]) => {
// this works but makes two calls
const firstSectionTitle: string = documentations[0].titleNavigation;
if (!route.firstChild) {
this.router.navigate(['/docs', firstSectionTitle] });
DocumentationPage: The entry page with the sidebar which contains the sections. DocumantationDetailComponent: a child component which renders the selected section. Besides, it injects DocumentationResolver in order to get the data.
Your route configuration:
path: '',
component: DocumentationPage,
resolve: { data: DocumentationResolver },
children: [{ path: ':id', component: DocumentationDetailComponent }]
Is saying that the main router outlet should contain the DocumentPage
component, which sounds like it's working?
And it is saying to only display a child if an id is provided.
What you want is a default route to display if there is no id?
If so, then you need something like this:
children: [
{ path: ':id', component: DocumentationDetailComponent },
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'firstSteps', pathMatch: 'full' }
I'm not sure of the exact syntax because I'm not sure where firstSteps
is in your route hierarchy. But something like that should work.