I am using Keras with tensorflow-gpu in backend, I don't have tensorflow (CPU - version) installed, all the outputs show GPU selected but tf is using CPU and system memory
when i run my code the output is: output_code
I even ran device_lib.list_local_device() and the output is: list_local_devices_output
After running the code I tried nvidia-smi to see the usage of gpu and the output is: nvidia-smi output
Tensorflow-gpu = "1.12.0"
CUDA toolkit = "9.0"
cuDNN = ""
Environment Variables contain:
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\bin;
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\libnvvp;
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
But still when i check for memory usage in task manager the output is
CPU utilization 51%, RAM utilization 86% GPU utilization 1%, GPU-RAM utilization 0% Task_manager_Output So, I think it is still using CPU instead of GPU.
System Configuration:
Windows-10 64 bit; IDE: Liclipse; Python: 3.6.5
It is using the GPU, as you can see in logs. The problem is, that a lot of things can not be done on the GPU and as long your data is small and your complexity is low, you will end up with low GPU usage.
Here is some more detailed explanation.