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Shopify: I need a link to a product to place in a template file

I need to add a link to a product in a template file. I was thinking of having in the schema a field the admin can edit. This field should be a select with all the products or a simple text field with autocomplete.

Is this possible? Or should I just have a simple text field and let admin copy/paste the actual product url in there?



  • If you're creating settings in the theme, section or section-block, use 'product' as the field type. By choosing 'product' as the type, the merchant will be given a product-selector complete with a search box in the theme settings. For all available field types, see

    When you access the setting, you will be given just the handle of the product selected by the merchant. If you named your setting 'user_product', you would translate that into an actual product object in Liquid using:

    {% assign user_product = all_products[settings.user_product] %}

    Since you have access to all of the attributes of the linked product, you can then place the URL of the selected product normally. Eg:

    <a href="{{ user_product.url }}">{{ user_product.title }}</a>

    Hope this helps!