I am writing a new artisan command which I do not want to run if the configuration is cached (via config:cache
class NewCommand extends Command
public function handle()
if (app()->configurationIsCached())
$this->error('Configuration is cached. Unable to run command');
return 1;
I am trying to write a Unit test to cover this, however this fails:
public function test_command_not_run_if_config_cached()
->expectsOutput('Configuration is cached. Unable to run command');
result: Method configurationIsCached() from Mockery_0_Illuminate_Foundation_Application should be called exactly 1 times but called 0 times
Is there another way to mock that the configuration is cached in the unit test?
Turns out that configurationIsCached()
is available on the App
facade. This is not currently documented, but updating the handle function in the command to
public function handle()
if (App::configurationIsCached())
$this->error('Configuration is cached. Unable to run command');
return 1;
allows the test to pass. Thanks to @Namosheck for pointing this out