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Accessing a private method in a overridden public method

I am currently having some issues with accessing a private method from a overriden public method.

My situation is like this: I have a compiled .dll file which consist basically of this

public class OriginalHandler
    public virtual void Request()

    protected virtual bool PeformRequest()


    private static void RedirectIfConditionIsFulfilled()



I need to alter the method PeformRequest(), So i make a public class, which inherit OriginalHandler and override the method as such:

public class ModifiedOriginalHandler : OriginalHandler 

    protected override bool PeformRequest()



To ensure that this method doesn't violate an "impact" scope, I have to ensure that it only get evaluated on certain sites, We use this to ensure that HttpRequestProcess ONLY impact the desired site using this

namespace Sitecore.Sharedsource.Pipelines.HttpRequest
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using Assert = Sitecore.Diagnostics.Assert;
    using S = Sitecore;

    public abstract class SiteSpecificHttpRequestProcessor: S.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestProcessor
            public abstract List<string> _sites;

            public sealed override void Process(S.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
                Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");

                if (S.Context.Site == null || !this._sites.FirstOrDefault(S.Context.Site.Name))

                this.DoProcess(args, this._sites.FirstOrDefault(S.Context.Site.Name));

        protected abstract void DoProcess(S.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args, string);

So include my ModifiedOriginalHandler to include this

 public class SiteSpecificModifiedOriginalHandler: SiteSpecificHttpRequestProcessor
Public override List<String> _sites => new[]
    ""  , ""

public virtual HttpContext GetHttpContext()
        return HttpContext.Current;

    public override void DoProcess(HttpRequestArgs args, string)
        var mediaRequest = new ModifiedOriginalHandler ();
        var context = GetHttpContext();
    var site = Sitecore.Context.Site;

        if (site == null)

        if (string != null)
            OriginalHandler baseClass = mediaRequest;

This Is where I am having a problem, I can from the SiteSpecificModifiedOriginalHandler not call the protected method PeformRequest,
but can call the public method Request which internally calls the desired function, so I make an override function, to ensure that the original is not being called but my modified version

public class ModifiedOriginalHandler : OriginalHandler 

    protected override bool PeformRequest()


    public override void Request()

Which is where I am having my problem, RedirectIfConditionIsFulfilled is a private method, and I can in no way make this method call as such. I could in my overridden function remove this call, but that would require RedirectIfConditionIsFulfilled to be removed, which would alter the original functionality, which i don't want to do.

So how do i overcome this?

How do i access a private method in a overriden public method?


  • If you have access to OriginalHandler implementation then make the derived class a nested one:

    class A {
        private void Foo() { }
        protected virtual void Bar() { }
        public class B: A {
            protected override void Bar() {
                Foo(); \\ legal } } }

    If you don’t then barring reflection there is no way to access from an external type a private member of another type.