I want to allow the user to select a place (Google places auto complete API) and then show the place selected on map. Can I use google places API for iOS and apple map (Mapkit) for this purpose? Map and the selection feature will be on separate view controllers but according to https://github.com/watsonbox/ios_google_places_autocomplete ,
displaying Google Places on a non-Google map is against their terms of service.
So if I use them together, Will my app wont be accepted while uploading or app store? Or what will happen?
From Google Terms of Use:
(d) No Use With Non-Google Maps. Customer will not use the Google Maps Core Services in a Customer Application that contains a non-Google map. For example, Customer will not (i) display Places listings on a non-Google map, or (ii) display Street View imagery and non-Google maps in the same Customer Application.
As for me it says that we can't show places list provided by Google Places API on non-Google map. But it says nothing about displaying place that was chosen from Google Places list.
More then that, I have app with exact functionality that you want and I didn't had any issues with App Store submission.