I pass a 3D array from R into C++ and ran into type conversion issues. How do we transform arma::cube subviews
from RcppArmadillo into NumericVectors
to operate on them using sugar functions from Rcpp like which_min
Say you have a 3D cube Q
with some numeric entries. My goal is to get the index of the minimum value of the column entries for each row i
and for each third dimension k
. In R syntax this is which.min(Q[i,,k])
For example for i = 1
and k = 1
cube Q = randu<cube>(3,3,3);
which_min(Q.slice(1).row(1)); // this fails
I thought a conversion to NumericVector would do the trick, but this conversion fails
which_min(as<NumericVector>(Q.slice(1).row(1))); // conversion failed
How can I get this to work? Thank you for your help.
You have a couple of options here:
(see Armadillo documentation here).Rcpp::wrap()
, which "transforms an arbitrary object into a SEXP" to turn the arma::cube subviews
into a Rcpp::NumericVector
and use the sugar function Rcpp::which_min()
.Initially I just had the first option there as the answer since it seems a more straightforward way to accomplish your objective, but I add the second option (in an update to the answer) since I now consider that arbitrary conversions may be a part of what you're curious about.
I put the following C++ code in a file so-answer.cpp
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List index_min_test() {
arma::cube Q = arma::randu<arma::cube>(3, 3, 3);
int whichmin = Q.slice(1).row(1).index_min();
Rcpp::List result = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("Q") = Q,
Rcpp::Named("whichmin") = whichmin);
return result;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List which_min_test() {
arma::cube Q = arma::randu<arma::cube>(3, 3, 3);
Rcpp::NumericVector x = Rcpp::wrap(Q.slice(1).row(1));
int whichmin = Rcpp::which_min(x);
Rcpp::List result = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("Q") = Q,
Rcpp::Named("whichmin") = whichmin);
return result;
We have one function that uses Armadillo's .index_min()
and one that uses Rcpp::wrap()
to enable the use of Rcpp::which_min()
Then I use Rcpp::sourceCpp()
to compile it, make the functions available to R, and demonstrate calling them with a couple of different seeds:
arma <- index_min_test()
wrap <- which_min_test()
arma$Q[2, , 2]
#> [1] 0.2059746 0.3841037 0.7176185
wrap$Q[2, , 2]
#> [1] 0.2059746 0.3841037 0.7176185
#> [1] 0
#> [1] 0
arma <- index_min_test()
wrap <- which_min_test()
arma$Q[2, , 2]
#> [1] 0.5526741 0.1808201 0.9763985
wrap$Q[2, , 2]
#> [1] 0.5526741 0.1808201 0.9763985
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 1
microbenchmark(arma = index_min_test(), wrap = which_min_test())
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
#> arma 12.981 13.7105 15.09386 14.1970 14.9920 62.907 100 a
#> wrap 13.636 14.3490 15.66753 14.7405 15.5415 64.189 100 a
Created on 2018-12-21 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)