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API Design in microservices

I am designing a Microservice application but have some difficulties with the REST API design.

Scenario: A Microservice application with the services "Customer" and "Order", and follows the "Database-per-service pattern".

The customer-service have basic endpoints to represent a customer resource like:

GET /customers, POST /customers, GET /customers/:id etc...

Problem: How to design the endpoints for the order-service, to get all orders belonging to a customer?

I've thought about different solutions but none really satisfy me.

  1. /customers/id/orders - My problem with this solutions is the use of "customers" in a service that does not contain any data about the customers.

  2. /orders?customerid=123 - This would work, but I dont feel that it follows the normal API design guidelines.

Does any guidelines on the subject of API design in microservice architecture exists?


  • IMO, you are requesting for an order so you should ask for the resource order. You are customer has no role to play as orders are not kept inside a customer resources. If anything, order has a reference to a customer. And if you are querying orders based on some attribute, they should be passed as a query parameters. So since you are asking (GET) for resource (Order) and want to filter them (based on customer in query param), the option 2 make sense. And thats how I would design it and those are my reasons to design it this way.