I am deploying and redeploying Azure Service Fabric applications in a local cluster. While initial deployment to the cluster went smoothly, redeployment results in about a 50% success rate with various intermittent errors.
Errors in the output window of Visual Studio:
Unable to determine whether the application is installed on the cluster or not.
Something is taking too long, the application is still not ready.
Errors in Service Fabric Explorer (SFX):
One application instance OK, the other shows an error
Error in fabric:/System/DnsService
: DnsService UDP Listener is unable to start
Error in fabric:/System/EventStoreService
: System.Net.HttpListenerException
How do I deploy my application to the local cluster consistently and successfully?
In Visual Studio's Properties window, change the Application Debug Mode from Refresh to Remove Application.
I deployed my app 10 times in a row with no errors!
Caveat: The one disadvantage to this solution is that if you remove your local cluster and then redeploy, Service Fabric Explorer (SFX) will throw several errors for a few minutes such as Get cluster upgrade progress failed