Hey guys im feeding a curl response into a simple xml object.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($redirect);
$xml.asXml() gets me this ->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<checkout-redirect xmlns="http://checkout.google.com/schema/2" serial-number="9160aabc- 5efe-4f9e-bb90-71ce75d7815f">
<redirect-url>https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/view/buy? o=shoppingcart&shoppingcart=222826053769344</redirect-url>
when I do: $xml->redirect-url
ErrorException [ Notice ]: Use of undefined constant url - assumed 'url'
shouldn't I be able to access it like this?
Can you try $xml->{'redirect-url'}
I really don't know if that works, but you can give it a try :D