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I’ve been reading about privileges and came across GRANT CREATE ANY VIEW TO. What does the CREATE ANY VIEW TO actually do? Does it just create a view to a user?


  • The name of the privilege is actually CREATE ANY VIEW, not CREATE ANY VIEW TO.

    First of all, this does not create a view. A privilege is a right to perform a specific type of operation (or a group of them), to access an object (or a group of them), and so on. You give (grant) a privilege to a user (grantee) with a command like :

    GRANT <privilege> TO <user>

    The CREATE ANY VIEW privilege allows the grantee to create a view in any schema. By opposition, the CREATE VIEW priviliege allows a user to create views only in its own schema.

    From the Oracle docs :

    To create a view in your own schema, you must have the CREATE VIEW system privilege. To create a view in another user's schema, you must have the CREATE ANY VIEW system privilege