I have large string block which I need to split into arrays based on if they're wrapped in brackets or separated by new lines.
[this is block
this is also same "block"
this is same block
another same block]
new block!
another new block!
[this is new block
this is also a new block]
One of the many things I've tried:
$block_lines = preg_split('/\[([^]]+)\]|\r/', $block_content);
Expected result:
[0] => 'this is block
this is also same "block"
this is same block
another same block'
[1] => 'new block!'
[2] => 'another new block!'
[3] => 'this is new block
this is also a new block'
Actual result:
[0] => 'new block!'
[1] => 'another new block!'
[2] => ''
You can use this regex in preg_split
It splits the string on either a string of characters inside [
and ]
, or on a newline. By using the PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE
flag, we can capture the contents of the []
as well:
$string = '[this is block
this is also same "block"
this is same block
another same block]
new block!
another new block!
[this is new block
this is also a new block]';
print_r(preg_split('/\[([^]]+)]|\R/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE));
Array (
[0] => this is block
this is also same "block"
this is same block
another same block
[1] => new block!
[2] => another new block!
[3] => this is new block
this is also a new block