I have a function called getAllFieldsInInstitute with a model function
transaction GetAllFieldsInInstitute{
o String instituteId
I have a similar function called getAllEventTypesInInstitute with a model function:
transaction GetAllEventTypesInInstitute{
o String instituteId
The script.js has the same logic file for both functions. Here are the POST body's for both functions:
I have tested it for GetAllEventTypesInInstitute, and it works as expected.
It does not match for GetAllFieldsInInstitute, and does not work. What do I need to change?
Edit: Function body is correct on bluemix:
I have downloaded the .bna file from bluemix and deployed that on localhost.
The post body on the browser is incorrect. If I copy the post body from composer-playground and post to the API, I get the correct response.