I have a csv file that i need to format first before i can send the data to zabbix, but i enconter a problem in 1 of the csv that i have to use.
This is a example of the part of the file that i have problems:
so this is 2 lines from the file, the other lines i already treated. i need to check if Cell01 is in the line
if 'Cell01' in h: do something.
i need to remove all the content beetwen the [ ] included this [] that contains the Cell01 word and leave only this:
else my script already treats quite easy. There must be a better way then what i think which is use h.split in the first [ then split again on the , then remove the content that i wanna then add what is left sums strings. since i cant use replace because i need this data([1]).
later on with the desired result i will add this to zabbix sender as the item and item key_. I already have the hosts,timestamps,values.
You should use a regexp (re module):
import re
s = "Some_String_That_ineed_01[ifcontainsCell01removehere],xxxxxxxxx02"
replaced = re.sub('\[.*Cell01.*\]', '', s)
print (replaced)
will return:
[root@somwhere test]# python replace.py
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