I want to use the depth_first_search algorithm. Since I need the DFS version where a start vertex is specified, I also have to define a ColorMap. That's the function I want to use :
template <class Graph, class DFSVisitor, class ColorMap>
void depth_first_search(const Graph& g, DFSVisitor vis, ColorMap color,
typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor start)
Since the map is irrelevant for me, the default ColorMap
would be fully sufficient.
Could you give me a hint how to create and pass it as argument in depth_first_search it?
Just use the named parameter overload instead, which will let you specify a start vertex while just using the default color map.
template <class Graph, class class P, class T, class R>
void depth_first_search(Graph& G, const bgl_named_params<P, T, R>& params);
boost::depth_first_search(graph, boost::root_vertex(start_vertex));