I have a UserManagementService
which exposes an Observable
of a BehaviourSubject
this.userSignInState$ = this.signInStateSubject.asObservable();
I subscribe to userSignInState
in a nav
constructor(public userManagementService: UserManagementService, private fb:FormBuilder, private helper:HelperService) {
this.userSignInStateSubscription = this.userManagementService.userSignInState$.subscribe(
(result:Result)=> {
console.log("In nav - result from user signin state ",result);
let subscribed:UserSigninState = result.additionalInfo;
console.log("new user signin state received:", subscribed);
this.userLoggedIn = subscribed.isSignedIn;
if(subscribed.isSignedIn && subscribed['additional-info'] !== ''){
this.profile = JSON.parse(subscribed['additional-info']) as UserProfileAPI
if(!subscribed.isSignedIn && subscribed['additional-info'] !== ''){
// let error:ServerResponseAPI = JSON.parse(subscribed['additional-info']) as ServerResponseAPI
//let errorMessage:string = this.helper.userFriendlyErrorMessage(error);
this.navEvent.emit(new NavContext(subscribed['additional-info']));
console.log("got error from the Observable: ",error);
let errorMessage:string = this.helper.userFriendlyErrorMessage(error);
this.navEvent.emit(new NavContext(errorMessage));
// this.userloggedIn =false;
()=>{ //observable complete
console.log("observable completed")
//this.userloggedIn =false;
I want to unit test nav
. The spec
should test that the component
subscribes to userSignInState$
and handles Result
correctly. How do I do this? As this is a unit test, I don't want to use the real UserManagementService
I wrote the following spec
fit('should subscribe to user sign in state observable',()=>{
let userManagementService = TestBed.get(UserManagementService);
let navComponent:NavComponentComponent = component;
console.log('component is ',navComponent);
navComponent.userLoggedIn = false;
let dummyUserProfile = new UserProfileAPI(new User('fn','ln','test@test.com'));
userManagementService.signInStateSubject.next(new Result('success',(new UserSigninState(true,JSON.stringify(dummyUserProfile ))).toString));
but I got error Expected undefined to be true.
I don't understand why userLoggedIn
is undefined. I have declared it in the nav
export class NavComponentComponent implements OnInit {
I set it in ngOnInit
this.userLoggedIn = false;
I also moved the subscription logic to ngOnInit
but that doesn't work either and gives the same result.
The issue was with the way I was creating Result
. I should have not used .toString
with userSignInState
. From another question I posted in SO
, "reference to .toString without () is just a reference to that function, so if you log that you get the code for that function." Also, "toString() will not work as userSignInState doesn't have a meanigful string representation and is defaulting to [object Object]". I removed toString
and the code worked as additional-info
is of type any